The Definitive Way To Stop Negative Thoughts

You might have heard that if you want to change your life, health, and well-being, you must change your thoughts. This is true but rather deeply misunderstood. While changing our thoughts is a powerful way to change our perception, there are more complex mechanisms at play.

Much of modern psychology is built upon the belief that our thoughts dictate our reality which is partially true but what dictates our thoughts? The common answer to this question often involves our history, upbringing, mental health status, the quality of our relationships, lifestyle, and our current living conditions. Much of this logic is built upon our thought-driven perspective. We tend to believe that our thoughts are always the results of analytical processing; we receive and process a set of information, our brains engage in active analysis, and voila! A thought is born!

In reality, there are more factors at play than the simple “input + processing = thought” model. In fact, our conscious brains only process a small percentage of the incoming information, filtering through what it deems “unimportant” and often filling in details based on past experiences rather than an accurate and detailed analysis of the incoming information.

Another important detail to consider is that our pre-frontal cortex where our cognitive functions occur, as fast…



Anahita Anais | Integrative Mental Health

Integrative Trauma Healing Practitioner, Resilience Coach, and Microdosing Expert. Follow me for tips for resilience, mental health, and Microdosing.